Etipack invites you at CibusTec 2023

Our selection of technological excellence for packaging and product packing

Etipack will exhibit a selection of labeling and handling systems dedicated to the food industry at CibusTec 2023. Solutions for labeling and handling of primary and secondary packaging and for coding products and packaging on pallets. Versatile and modular systems that can be customized and intended for either stand-alone production or integrated into packaging lines.

A complete range of dedicated solutions for both OEMs and Manufacturers

Wrap around labelling machine for label application on cylindrical products


Automatic labeling systems for applying labels for all formats of food products.


Print and Apply systems for real-time printing and application of labels to boxes, packaging, pallets, and stationary or moving products.

Disimpilatore Presa e Posa Clippy Denester per vaschette e coperchi.


Machines for handling, loading and distributing thermoformed trays, sachets and other flat formats with a low thickness.

Whizzy Step Motor


Friction feeders for distributing coupons, promotional postcards, small gadgets, and other flat formats


Thermal and thermal transfer printers for high quality printing of barcodes and codes, variable text and images.

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    Get in touch with our sales experts

    Our sales experts will be at CibusTec. Contact them to discuss your needs and they will assist you in getting your food packaging project off to the best possible start.

    Dalila Freddi Avatar

    Paolo Gorla

    Sales Director Italy

    +39 3351229733

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    Dalila Freddi Avatar

    Fabio Casarotto

    OEM Sales Italy

    +39 3358320613

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    Dalila Freddi Avatar

    Stefano Masciadri

    Sales Italy

    +39 3484420956

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    Dalila Freddi Avatar

    Marcello Bizzozero

    OEM Sales Italy

    +39 3476174127

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