Roll Friction Feeder Whizzy Roll

Alimentatore automatico a frizione da rotolo per srotolamento, taglio a misura ed inserimento nella linea di confezionamento di carta ed accoppiati di vario genere, cartone, film plastico, film politenato, panni spugna, pad assorbenti per liquidi (pad assorbi siero)

Roll friction feeder

The roll friction feeder Whizzy Roll is an automatic friction feeder specifically designed to feed coupons, backer cards, etc., from a roll format and to cut them to proper size.

The roll feeder provides for full automatic unrolling, cutting and feeding into the pakaging line with a speed up to  150 pcs/min. of different materials with a thickness up to  2 mm,  such as paper, cartons, flexible packaging, plastic packaging materials,  cleaning pads, food absorbent pads.

The machine is equipped with an orbiter cutter ensuring a clean and precise cut to proper size.

Cutting size is operated from a keyboard by setting length paraments, in order to vary pitch length according to actual manufacturing needs.

Features of the feeder


  • Feeding from roll format
  • Mechanic unwinder
  • Brushless drawing  with step movement by stop control
  • Orbiter cutter with saw-toothed and brushless motor actioning
  • Stop sensor on product distribution
  • Separate control box (remote terminal up to 3 m) with integrated PLC
  • Separate control panel  (remote up to  3 m)
  • Brushless motor
  • Programming keyboard

Ancillary devices

  • Base support structure
  • Customized support structure


Dispensing speed≤ 60 m/min
(150 pcs/min
depending on the products step)
Dim. prod. lunghezza55 - 300 mm
Product sizes L50 - 150 mm
Product sizes W1÷2 mm
Product dispensingHorizontally
Dispensing unit width
366 mm
Motor typeBrushless
Size L - W - H877x672x500mm
C.B. dimensions L - W - H600x200x600mm
Power supply230 V, 50-60 Hz
Electrical input920 W
Electric protectionIP 54

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