
Plan for spread control and containment of Covid-19 virus in work environments


In order to increase the effectiveness of the precautionary measures taken to combat the Covid-19 epidemic, Etipack has established a Committee, consisting of all company representatives, which has elaborated, and signed a “Plan for spread control and containment of Covid-19 virus in work environments”. The document was drawn up taking into account current regulations and the “Shared protocol for the regulation of measures to combat and contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus in the workplace” implemented nationally by representatives of workers and employers in collaboration with the state authorities.

Etipack’s plan includes specific measures for the working environment and the activities for which workers are responsible, providing information and instructions to be followed. In detail, it sets out all the measures and procedures activated by the company with specific indications on how to behave and manage all work activities to help prevent any possible spread of contagion.

Summary of measures and provisions

Cleaning, hygiene, and sanitization

  • Etipack guarantees cleaning and sanitation of company premises through a specific programme. The activities are entrusted both to a dedicated contractor outside of working hours and to individual workers. Etipack provides hand detergents in numerous and easily identifiable locations and delivers face masks for all workers, to wear throughout their entire stay in the company.
  • One person at a time is allowed to stay in common areas. It is necessary to reduce the stopping time and ensure continuous or periodic ventilation of the rooms.
  • In the case of a Covid-19 virus-positive worker or external person, Etipack will proceed with the prompt application of the procedures indicated by the Ministry of Health.
  • In each plant, there is a toilet reserved for external personnel only.
  • For any consulting activities at the customer’s premises, if strictly necessary, the worker is supplied with valve-free FFP2 masks and any other safety devices such as gloves, visors or goggles if the interpersonal distance of 1 meter cannot be ensured for an extended period of time.

Company staff on headquarters

  • Workers must measure body temperature daily before going to work. If the temperature exceeds 37.5°C or other flu symptoms are present, they cannot leave their homes but must necessarily contact their doctor or health authority by telephone and notify the company; the same also applies in the event of contact with virus-positive people in the previous 14 days.
    During the working day, Etipack measures body temperature by requesting a signature as confirmation of the detection.
  • If dangerous conditions (flu symptoms, fever, etc.) should arise during the stay in the company, the worker is required to report this promptly and responsibly and to keep an adequate distance from the people present.
  • The office staff has adopted agile working methods, drastically reducing their presence in the company. The number of workers present is modulated according to specific production needs. Most of the work activities carried out by Etipack do not require contact between the workers and it is possible to manage their tasks independently. The layout of the workstations has been checked to ensure the maximum possible distance between workers and in any case guaranteeing a distance of at least 1 meter.
  • Movements within the company must be reduced to the minimum necessary and in any case in accordance with the company’s instructions. Meetings and meetings between colleagues, only if strictly necessary, are allowed only with the number of participants reduced to the minimum necessary, maintaining the safety distance and protective devices. During and at the end of the meeting it is necessary to ventilate the rooms and clean the surfaces used.
  • The worker must, in any case, undertake to maintain the safety distance, wash hands frequently and adopt correct hygiene behavior following the information provided by the Ministry of Health and World Health Order shared by the company.

Off-site company staff

  • Customer relationship and service activities must be subordinate to the possibility of providing remote support. If the inspection is unavoidable, it is authorized only on Italian territory and it is necessary to take measures to limit the number of workers present, maintain protective devices and safety distances, use company vehicles in compliance with the provisions and proceed to disinfect the cockpits.
  • All personnel who visit third parties are provided with a thermometer for private use for daily temperature control.
  • In the event of a visit to a customer without passing through the company headquarters, the worker must fill out the “COVID-19 Coronavirus Self-Declaration Form” complete with information on privacy and temperature detection.
  • Before making visits and/or inspections at third companies, Etipack requires
    • the application of all ministerial provisions on health protection and containment of the spread of the virus
    • the application of the shared security protocol of 24 April 2020.
    • the ATECO code or company declaration of the essential supply chains sent to the competent authority (up to a different provision by the competent authorities)
    • The indication of particular provisions in place at the site regarding health and prevention for the activities to be carried out
  • If adequate prevention and containment measures cannot be guaranteed, the activity must be interrupted and/or postponed until the end of the health emergency.
  • All activities already planned on foreign territories are suspended.

External personnel

  • Work activities with clients/suppliers and other external personnel are performed with a preference for remote communication.
  • The access of external personnel not previously approved is forbidden. In particular, cases that require the presence of external personnel, it will only be possible to enter by appointment.
  • Externals are required to complete a “COVID-19 Coronavirus Self-Declaration Form” complete with temperature detection. Entrance to the company is precluded to those who have had contact with subjects who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous 14 days.
  • Workers who have already tested positive for the infection will only be allowed access with medical certification that they have “tested negative” together with an examination by the competent doctor.
  • The entrance of couriers in charge of pick-up and delivery activities is allowed only up to the warehouse entry. An Etipack employee equipped with protection devices will take care of the delivery and/or collection. The couriers must carry out the operations wearing protective equipment in compliance with the provisions.
  • It is mandatory to maintain a distance of at least one meter between people. It is forbidden to access the offices for any reason whatsoever except for access to the specially reserved toilets for external staff if requested.
  • Any interventions by external suppliers will be managed by evaluating urgency and conditions. Any non-urgent intervention will be postponed as far as possible.
  • Etipack will provide maximum cooperation if additional control measures are available from the competent health authority.
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